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create classic children's clothing

Kids' Choice Winners

Sunday, May 11, 2014
Happy Mother's Day to all the moms out there!  I hope you get spoiled and enjoy your day.

I'm thrilled to make this an even more special day for three moms who submitted outfits for Kids' Choice.  The randomly selected winners are: Amy (SEWSNBOWS), Jess (Gracious Threads), and Angela (Snippet).  Aren't these outfits absolutely delightful!?

These lucky ladies will get to spend $50 each on exquisite fabric, trims, or anything else that catches their fancy at:

Elegance & Elephants

Thank you so much to everyone who entered.  I hope that it was a rewarding experience for you to create along side your children to make something extra special for them.  I know it was for me, and I look forward to continuing to collaborate with my little ones.

And a big thank you to our generous sponsor, l'oiseau.  Thank you for being such a huge supporter of creativity and for your passion to make incredibly gorgeous, high quality products accessible and affordable here in North America.
9 comments on "Kids' Choice Winners"
  1. How exciting, and what a great surprise to wake up to - I'm so excited! Thank you so much Heidi for hosting Kids' Choice, and to l'oiseau. Happy Mother's Day everyone!

    1. You're so welcome, Angela! Could you please e-mail me so we can work out your prize? I can't find an address for you anywhere! Thanks!

  2. Congrats to the winners. It was fun to sew along Heidi, your series are always the best!

  3. Congrats, ladies :) It was fun seeing and reading about outfits that were created with input from the young ones :)

    1. There were so many fun outfits, Jenya! Thank you for following.

  4. Congratulations ladies! Sewing for kids is most rewarding when they actually WANT to wear the clothes, so this series rocks!

    1. It was so rewarding, Meike! I didn't expect such a huge difference when they pick the fabric. I know there will be a lot more 'Kids' Choice' at my house on a regular basis. :)

  5. Yay, Amy!!! You will LOVE l'oiseau!


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